Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Opalescence Tooth Whitening Poducts

Opalescence Tooth Whitening Poducts

Have you ever desired or dreamed to whiten your teeth more than it used to be before? If the answer is yes, now your desire or dream will surely come to pass with the help of opalescence tooth whitening system. Opalescence system is a cheap and an efficient solution that gives you that perfect enviable smile. Medically, Opalescence tooth whitening has been proved to make your teeth look the whitest.

This tooth whitening system also increases the mineral constituent of the enamel of your teeth for greater strength. Opalescence whitening is the ultimate in tooth whitening systems. It is for everybody starting from those who have whitened their teeth to those who just want to maintain a good oral health. Opalescence gives you not only healthy smile, but also a happy one. Opalescence tooth whitening system reduces gingivitis and lightens teeth to two shades in just 1 month!

Opalescence tooth whitening gel is unique formula that allows efficient, quick fluoride release and induces high enamel fluoride uptake. Opalescence tooth whitening system gives maximum enamel and dentin restoration as well as protection

It contains carbon amide peroxide formula as the main constituent. Opalescence tooth whitening is one of the Professional teeth whitening systems where the manufacturer considers the use of a bleaching light during the whitening process to be optional.

Opalescence tooth whitening system employs a hydrogen peroxide-based bleaching gel. This whitener comes prepackaged as two individual components that are mixed at the time of application. This whitener has a 38% hydrogen peroxide concentration and a pH of 7.

The whitening can stay active for 8-10 hours during over night whitening.

Charles of writes to inform and educate people on life related issues.

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Opalescence Tooth Whitening Poducts